costa rica - la selva
costa rica was fantastic. the pictures really dont do it justice, although we took so many it was quite a bit of work to post them. many are from arnaud and francios. we were there for 11 days from match 9th to the 19th (i had to fly back one day early to start work). this is the first of 5 posts: la selva, carribean, arenal, monteverde, and the pacific.

arnaud, francois, erin and i on the carribean side
la selva - day 1 and 2
march 9-10
erin does research at estacion biologica de la selva which is a couple hours north of san jose. we flew in, got our car and drove to meet her. la selva has a 40 hectar reserve of old growth rainforest which has all sorts of bugs, birds, monkeys and the like.

the river through la selva

watching for tucans

tromping through the rainforest. really, once youre 20ft off the path you cant find your way back
not all of these flowers are at the reserve but there were tons to see all over. erin, if you can supply me with names, ill add them.

this leaf was like 5ft across

the little speck in the leaf is a tent-making bat. they nibble the leaves until they fold over and then sleep there.

howler monkeys. we saw a family of them with two kids. they were so high up in the tree you could really only see them with binoculars, but later in the trip we saw some up closer and took better pics.

these guys are everywhere
