aug. 16-23
i got to go to shanghai this summer for work.

downtown shanghai from jinmao tower

the bund.
the view you usually see of shanghai is of the skyscrapers on the east side of the river in pudong. the bund is on the west side and looks like it was lifted out of some old european capital.

oriental pearl tv tower

i realize the panoramas don't do you guys any good when you look at them on the blog. but the original is pretty damn cool. if you want to see any of the original panoramas, i can forward them.

maoming nanlu.
i bummed around shanghai after work. the city feels incredibly safe at night. this picture, overexposed as it is, captures the night in shanghai very well.

there are places in shanghai that are more expensive than new york, but this street happens not to be one of them.

typical view of pudong from the bund

thats the jinmao tower on the left. its the tallest building in china and the fourth tallest in the world behind taipei 101, the petronas towers in kl and sears tower. they're building a bigger one next to it.

lots of shipping in shanghai. the city is at the mouth of the yangtze river.

the bund from the bund

smoggy shanghai by day. same view as the first picture.

the first building on the bottom right is work. the china life building.

the square with the hole is the shanghai stock exchange.

down the center of jinmao tower.
the hyatt occupies the 54th through 87th floors in the jinmao tower and has an open atrium.

this time in true color

a very swanky jazz lounge thirty storeys below

near yu gardens in the old town of shanghai

yu gardens

old town.
the old town is not old at all, but is just rebuilt in the old architectural style.

shanghai museum

inside the museum

renmin square. on the left is the theater, in the center the federal building, and on the right an exhibition hall.

kind of like western ducks

let the engrish begin...

yes, id like a trolly free for my carry luggage

hehe, i think they actually sell tickets for boat tours here.
the display boards at the top of jinmao tower clearly take the cake:

title, center right: "Splendid Designed Elaborate Works"
title, right: "The World Top-ranking Design; A Wonder in the Histoty of Architecture"
text, center right: "After Comrade Deng Xiaoping, the great designer of our socialist construction, gave a speech during his inspection in south of China in spring of the year 1992, the Ministry of Foreign Economoy & Trade responded to the spirits of the speech and actively participated in the development and construction of Pudong area, and then the assumption of constructing the that building in China - Jinmao Tower thus emerged."

title, left: "Through Mutual Efforts, Completing a Grand Engineering and Creating a World Top Work"
title, center: "High technological contents and complete functional facilities"
and my personal favorite:

"Operations Research Leads to Eternal Success"
yes, yes it does. clearly thats why im getting
(im getting my masters in OR right now)
the fastest train in the world: 30km in 8 in at 430km/h

notice, there are no rails. it's maglev, courtesy of german engineering. ridiculously complicated and expensive but it works soooo well.

there is a guy in the background with a squeegee cleaning the flatten bugs of the windshield

there are actually stewardesses on this train.
no picures of fastness here, only movies =)