13. january
columbia campus is extremely cool. its very compact and most of the builings nearly qualify as highrises themselves. the quad in the center of campus is one of the largest open areas, aside from the parks, in manhattan. because Morningside Heights is not far from its built to keep people out too. most of the entrances have heavy gates that are locked at night and the campus gives the distince impression it was concieved as a castle. the entire northside of campus is kept at the same level

Butler Library (left) and Lerner Hall (right)

west entrance to campus; 116th St. and Broadway

the 116th St. subway stop

Low Memorial Library

Butler Library

Mudd Hall (the engineering building) has a sky bridge connecting it to the Shapiro Center

north entrance to campus, directly into Mudd Hall. because the campus is a little on a hill, campus level on northside actually ends up being on the fourth floor of Mudd. there is a walkway around Mudd on campus level, so 4 stories above the street. it totally seems like you walking around castle walls...... now all it needs is a moat. i think they should get the civE's on this.

the steps of Low Memorial Library and Lewisohn Hall behind the trees
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